Creating Local KeyCloak Test Server
[1] Clone the Git Repository
Prepare a base directory.
cd ~
mkdir dockerkeycloaktest
cd dockerkeycloaktest
Git Clone.
git clone
The codes in the github repo is actually a local copy of the KeyCloak test page at
[2] Build Docker Image
cd localkeycloaktest
docker build -t localkeycloaktest .
Check that the image is listed in the Docker Desktop:
[3] Create and run a container from the image
Run a docker command to create a container with an interactive console (-it) that will be removed when it is terminated (--rm) which is mapped as port 88 (in host) to port 80 (in container) from the image name "localkeycloaktest".
docker run -it --rm -p 88:80 localkeycloaktest
Check that a container has been created:
[4] Configure KeyCloak Server
Assuming that you have already created myrealm, myclient and myuser according to the steps in the previous posts, configure the following settings:
Redirect URI :
Web Origin:
[5] Browse the LocalKeyCloakTest server page
Click the Save button.
Click Sign in.
Enter the credential myuser/Abcd1234
Open the Web Inspector panel and view the token data.
Click sign out.
[6] Terminate container session.
In the PowerShell console for the interactive container (in step 3), press [CTRL]+[C] to break and terminate the container session.
Once it is terminated, the container name will disappear from the container list in the Docker Desktop.